TC's guidelines and principles of life #25: "If you’re not entirely sure what you’re doing, watch a Youtube demo video first."
This one is one of my very practical lessons in life.
I'm not the kind of person who does a lot of 'instruction reading'. I'd rather try to figure it out on my own if possible. I'll also spend the time walking around a store to find what I want instead of just asking an employee.
I don't know why. It's one of my quirks. I'm stubborn.
However, I am also not mechanically inclined.
So when I had to fix my dryer about a year ago, this was a bad combination. Fortunately, I have discovered that pretty much every problem I ever encounter in life has a youtube instructional video.
Fixing the dryer? Check.
Building my son's new toy car? Check.
Putting together that new piece of Ikea furniture? Check.
So anytime I have to do something that involves assembly, I try to make sure I watch the Youtube video as soon as I get stuck, because otherwise, I will probably find out later on that I have to do some disassembly to fix what I've just done wrong.
You have the greatest compilation of human knowledge in the span of history at your fingertips, don't forget that.
35@35 is a blog series by Thomas Christianson which involves 35 blog posts in 2014 on 35 things he has learned at the age of 35.