
It's All About Relationships (or How To Do Christianity Wrong and Make This World Worse Than It Already Is)

It's All About Relationships (or How To Do Christianity Wrong and Make This World Worse Than It Already Is)

Lately, I've come to a realization: that the primary way our world is broken is found in one primary area: relationships.

Where there is a lack of relationships, the void that exists causes great pain to people. 

Relationships are not always easy. It involves caring about other people and communicating.

I've had both negative and positive examples of this in my life lately. Lemme share a few with you...

Jesus and the Politics of Fear

Jesus and the Politics of Fear

American politics, and the 24 hour news networks which go along with it, have become conduits of fear mongering. This is in stark contrast with how Jesus interacted with the crowds in his ministry. As followers of Jesus, what do I need to keep in mind if I choose to be involved with the American political system?

How We Can Fix America's Problems: The Power of Listening

How We Can Fix America's Problems: The Power of Listening

I don't know who came up with the phrase, "sticks and stone can break my bones, but words can never hurt me", but that person was at best gravely mistaken and at worst delusional. 

Words are perhaps the most powerful thing in our world. I find support for this idea in the scriptures:

The creation narrative of Genesis involves God speaking to give purpose to all he has created.

John opens his Gospel by drawing a direct parallel between God and the Word of God.

Words draw their power from the fact they come from the essence of who we are.

When I say, "I love you" or "I hate you" or "I forgive you", I'm revealing the very core of my being - things that exist far deeper than the level of my intellect. It's conveying a part of who I am.

Matthew at one point records Jesus explaining to a crowd who believed that ritual eating laws led to holiness, "It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth." (Matthew 15:11)

Sticks and stones indeed...words are far more like weapons of mass destruction - or at least they can be.

Why I Came Back To Church After Leaving

Why I Came Back To Church After Leaving

If you ask, in a church celebration, how many people have been hurt in or by a church, the vast majority of hands will go up.

This is an unfortunate dynamic, but one that reinforces something that we already know - believing in Jesus doesn't make any of us perfect people.

I have no doubt that many who read this have dealt with frustrations or hurts suffered at the hands of a church or specifically church leadership. I am no different. In fact, I was thinking recently about my journey through churches and what I've had to endure.

I wish to share some of my story here, and at the end, to explain why I seem to refuse to 'learn my lesson' and swear off church forever (though I essentially did avoid it for a time) in order to avoid the possibility for further pain.

I'll spare you the full story and jump right to the breaking point...